Saturday, January 14, 2012

MANDALA of the DAY series begins

Mandalas are everywhere in the every day objects we take for granted. 
From time to time I will feature a Mandala of the Day.

Initially, the plate is like the mandala template here ---circular, with the center point marked.

How you decorate your plate with food creates the design,
just as the mandala design shown here --
The difference between the mandala shown above
and your dinner plate mandala
is that the design and colors are applied at the same time
to the plate while the design and color are applied
separately to the mandala.

When color is added to the design,
a type of healing energy will resonate as you observe it.

With the colors of the foods added to the plate,
you are creating a type of healing mandala in 2 ways . . .
1)  the plating of the food with each type of food's color and
 as an overall design
2)  the actual nutritional value the food itself offers
and how it will benefit your health in a more literal sense.

Some mandalas are made to serve a purpose for a time period.
As carefully as the design is constructed,
it is then deconstructed.

Again, with the dinner plate, you go through similar steps.
1)  the plate itself as a template
2) adding food to the plate creating a design with color
3)  significance of design and color figuratively
4)  significance of color/nutritional value of food, literally
5)  the deconstruction of the design changes the design
until once again the plate is empty/blank.
6)  The outer appearance of the food and the inner benefits from consuming it.

I bet you will look at a plate of food differently from now on.

Addendum to the Dinner Plate . . .
I have always seen chefs as artists.
The way they plate the food, the colors of the food
and how they complement / contrast in the design.
Then of course, the taste is important as well.
But if you ever listen to chefs,
they know that we eat with our eyes first
and that is why to them,
how they present their dishes is just as important
as how they taste.

There is nothing like a beautiful plate of food
to increase the pleasure of the meal.


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