As a follow-up to the March 27 post -- Creating a Mandala, Part 1, I have begun the design using a white pencil.
Need to sit with the design for a bit. At this point, it doesn't feel complete.
Will display it and wait for a moment of clarity to know if it is either ready to color or needs more work.
Until then . . .
Friday, August 5, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Create Healing Mandalas Workshop - NEW DATES
We have new dates for our Workshop in Southern California . . .
Paper Architect and
The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee present:
This is an intensive 8 hour workshop in two - 4 hour sessions.
Session One covers an introduction into the world of mandalas, their history, how they are used and more importantly, how they can benefit you. You will apply one of the techniques discussed in class to create your own personalized healing mandala.
Homework is given to be done before the second session.
Session Two begins with a sharing and discussion of the homework. We will cover the meaning behind designs, symbols and colors and how to incorporate your mandalas in every day experiences.
Discover how this ancient art form can help you celebrate your life!
Saturday, July 30th from 10:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday, August 6th from 1 - 5pm
Saturday, August 6th from 1 - 5pm
1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 103
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
WORKSHOP: 2 day/ 8 hours
MATERIALS FEE: includes a beginner kit to use in-class, to complete homework and use for future projects.
1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 103
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
WORKSHOP: 2 day/ 8 hours
MATERIALS FEE: includes a beginner kit to use in-class, to complete homework and use for future projects.
DUE TO LIMITED SPACE to keep an intimate atmosphere
and provide personal interaction and attention to your projects.
and provide personal interaction and attention to your projects.
for additional workshop information contact
Paper Architect by phone 818 752 6771
or e-mail:
or e-mail:
Next Free Talk - July 23rd
For those of you in the Southern California area, we are giving another free talk.
It will be an hour long introductory discussion on Mandalas.
Here are the details:
DATE: Saturday, July 23, 2011
TIME: 1 - 2pm
LOCATION: The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee
(formerly The Akashic Bookshop and Center)
ADDRESS: 1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 103
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
PHONE: 805 495 5824
Hope you are able to join us.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Most Beautiful Mandala I Have Made So Far
Mandalas play a bigger and bigger role in my life as I prepare to facilitate workshops to show others how to create their own mandalas.
As a tribute to a dear friend who passed away, I created this mandala, representing their life on earth and presented it to their family as a gift of love and healing energy for them in their time of loss. It's the only mandala I've made of somone not physically here on earth. This person has changed my life in a way I never expected and I will always be grateful to them for touching my life in such a deep and profound way.
I would like to share their mandala here, which I believe to be the most beautiful mandala I have made so far.
This first photo is of the basic mandala design that emerged from a subconscious level. The actual size is 12" x 12
The second picture is of the finished piece. It's the colors that give it their magic healing quality. After completing it, I would stare at it's beauty, amazed at this special human being's life.
Right around dusk, when the room starts to darken, there are areas of the design that seem to glow as if this person's energy was coming through. After all, when someone leaves their physical body, they are still very much alive, especially in our hearts.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
FREE TALK on Saturday, April 23rd
Just a reminder . . .
You are invited to a free talk about mandalas.
This talk will introduce the audience to the world of mandalas.
We will also provide information on our upcoming 2 Part Intensive Mandala Workshop.
Time for questions too.
So please join us, we'd love to meet you. Here are the details:
What are they? They are one of the oldest art forms in existence
and can be used as a tool to help us focus and clear the chaos in our mind.
Discover how this ancient art form can help ou celebrate your life!
DATE: Saturday, April 23rd
TIME: 1 - 2pm
LOCATION: Akashic Bookshop and Center
1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 103
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
Our two part workshop will take place on:
Saturday, May 7th
10:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday, May 14th
1 - 5pm
at the same location as the free talk.
for more details on the class, visit:
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Creating a Mandala; Part 1
Thought it would be interesting to show a mandala being created in stages.
From time to time I will post the progress of the design, then the coloring process until completion.
We begin with the basic circle drawn on the paper. Mandala, in sanskrit, roughly translates as "circle."
Then measure to find the center of the circle and mark it with a dot.
Now it's time to begin.
From time to time I will post the progress of the design, then the coloring process until completion.
We begin with the basic circle drawn on the paper. Mandala, in sanskrit, roughly translates as "circle."
Then measure to find the center of the circle and mark it with a dot.
Now it's time to begin.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Introduction to Mandalas -- Free Talk on April 23, 2011
To help people learn more about mandalas, Akashic Bookshop and Center and Paper Architect is offering a free introduction talk.
We will display examples and reveal some of the magic found in mandalas. The details are below.
Pass it on . . .
We will display examples and reveal some of the magic found in mandalas. The details are below.
DATE: Saturday, April 23, 2011
TIME: 1 - 2pm
LOCATION: Akashic Bookshop & Center
1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
Pass it on . . .
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala
There was an ad in the local newspaper about a mandala being exhibited at a museum in Albuquerque called a Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala for World Healing by Tibetan Monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery. The ad gave the closing date of the exhibit at which time the mandala would be dismantled. I couldn’t imagine what they really meant but saw it as an opportunity to see this kind of mandala up close.
These mandalas had the purpose of being created to heal the environment. A dozen sites were chosen for their world tour which took place over a period of two years, 1995 - 1996. Using local materials, the Monks worked continuously in shifts, first setting up the geometric design, then little by little, using colored sand and a small funnel, they filled in the design.
This particular mandala was about 4 feet by 4 feet set on a platform. Using tiny grains of sand, the detail in the designs was extraordinary. I was drawn into it and lost touch with what was going on in the room. The next thing I knew, they were preparing to disassemble it. I was confused, why would they make this beautiful piece of intricate beauty then take it apart. It should be eternal. I was having my own little freakout moment (on the inside) but it was no use, they began the process. It was more like a ceremony than destruction. They first blessed the work and honored it, saying a prayer for it's purpose to be realized. They removed the designs, color by color. As difficult as it was to watch them undo it, it was just as fascinating to see the colors leave the picture. It was a slow, painstaking process but it was so intriguing to watch you didn't notice until it was over how long it took to complete. Left behind on the platform was a faded image of what was once there.
We then went down to the river and again, through ceremony, the sand which was taken from that area to create the mandala was returned to where it came from to heal it.
This explanation has been grossly simplified. So much more happened on so many levels that it would be of more value to the reader to go out and experience for themselves.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Preface to The World of Mandalas

One afternoon, I walked into the library to see if anything there would catch my eye. Reading the titles, nothing seemed to jump out and say "pick me, pick me." I sat down wondering what to do next when another guest wandered in and sat down near me, plopping a pile of books on the table. I didn't pay much attention as I was too busy feeling frustrated that I wasn't making the most of this precious time away from my usual responsibilities. I hate wasting time and am driven to be productive. Doing nothing is not easy for me and I wanted answers, direction for the future. I thought showing up here it would just pour out and I'd have some major spiritual revelation where I was shown what to do next with instructions and diagrams. Life isn't like that of course, but try telling me that. I expect more from myself. But here I was feeling lost with no idea what to do about it.
I glanced over at the stack of books, on top was this gorgeous picture on the cover, all the colors I love and in a design that stirred something inside of me. I asked the woman if I could look at it. Inside were illustrations in bold, beautiful colors and designs. This was the book I was looking for on the shelf, the "pick me" book. I didn't have much time to look at it and reluctantly I let it go. Later I would ask if I could write down the book title and author so I could find it on my own. Oddly, she appeared possesive of the book and irritated that she had to share its name. Even more puzzling was when I discovered that it was not her book but from the retreat library. She never brought out the book for the rest of the time I was there. I had to be patient until I had my own copy.
That cover stayed in my memory so strongly that the day after I returned home, I went to the bookstore and ordered it. My very own copy in hand, I began to read about these beautiful pictures that were called Mandalas. I then understood why she was so possessive of that book. She must of felt the magic it held as I did. I found myself just as protective of my own copy. And the journey began . . .
Friday, January 28, 2011
Workshop on February 5 & 12
Great news!
Paper Architect and Akashic Bookshop & Center present:
Paper Architect and Akashic Bookshop & Center present:
This is an intensive 8 hour workshop in two - 4 hour sessions.
Session One covers an introduction into the world of mandalas, their history, how they are used and more importantly, how they can benefit you. You will apply one of the techniques discussed in class to create your own personalized healing mandala.
Homework is given to be done before the second session.
Session Two begins with a sharing and discussion of the homework. We will cover the meaning behind designs, symbols and colors and how to incorporate your mandalas in every day experiences.
Discover how this ancient art form can help you celebrate your life!
Saturday, February 5th from 10:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday, February 12th from 1 - 5pm
Saturday, February 12th from 1 - 5pm
1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
WORKSHOP : 2 day/ 8 hours
MATERIALS FEE: includes a beginner kit to use in-class, to complete homework and use for future projects.
1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
805 495 5824
WORKSHOP : 2 day/ 8 hours
MATERIALS FEE: includes a beginner kit to use in-class, to complete homework and use for future projects.
DUE TO LIMITED SPACE to keep an intimate atmosphere
and provide personal interaction and attention to your projects.
and provide personal interaction and attention to your projects.
for additional workshop information contact
Paper Architect by phone 818 752 6771
or e-mail:
or e-mail:
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What are Mandalas
Mandalas are one of the oldest art forms in existence.
They have been used throughout the ages as a way
of creating healing energy and inner peace.
They are used to understand our life experiences and ourselves.
The kind of mandalas created here are done on black art paper.
Using a white colored pencil, a pattern / design emerges.
Once the design is complete, it will represent what is being worked on
at that particular time in the person's life.
Color is then added upon contemplation, signifying the healing to be received.
The mandala is a way of celebrating your life.
It is ultimately up to the individual to chose what they want to gain from it's presence.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Welcome to our blog site for Creating Healing Mandalas Workshop Community, and all things related to mandalas. Discover how mandalas relate to cultures, religions, belief systems, spiritual teachings, psychology, art, geometry and so much more
May you find knowledge, insight, inspiration or a variation thereof as you peruse this blog.
So glad you stopped by! Please come again soon.
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